The ‘power game’: Interactional asymmetries in EFL collaborative language teaching

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


This study examines South Korean EFL classrooms with an interest in revealing the hierarchical relations of power and status in co-teaching partnerships. To investigate how diff erent teacher roles and possible issues of dominance are engendered and negotiated in each teacher pair, I focus on what conversation analytic studies have conceptualized as interactional asymmetries, a temporally unfolding process through which participants are positioned and portrayed in relation to each other (J.-E. Park, 2007; Robinson, 2001). The data involve video-recordings of co-taught elementary EFL lessons wherein two teachers – a Korean and an American teacher – are present in the classroom. The analysis shows that while the teachers are institutionally granted an equal co-teacher status, their actual classroom practices exhibit an asymmetry in teacher authority regarding the management of classroom contingencies and student discipline. Focusing on these interactions, I will demonstrate how the participants orient to asymmetric teacher roles and relationships during the lessons, and consequently what those moments reveal about the interactionally occasioned co-teacher rights, responsibilities and expectations.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationConversation Analytic Perspectives on English Language Learning, Teaching and Testing in Global Contexts
PublisherChannel View Publications
Number of pages27
ISBN (Electronic)9781788922890
ISBN (Print)9781788922883
StatePublished - 26 Feb 2019

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2019 Hanh thi Nguyen, Taiane Malabarba and the authors of individual chapters.


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