The impact of ancillary HIV services on engagement in medical care in New York City

Peter A. Messeri, D. M. Abramson, A. A. Aidala, F. Lee, G. Lee

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

114 Scopus citations


The advent of antiretroviral therapies in 1996 prompted an interest in the role played by ancillary services in improving access to and retention in medical care, particularly since the success of the new therapies is often contingent upon ongoing and appropriate primary medical care. Using self-reported survey data from a longitudinal representative sample of 577 HIV-positive adults in New York City, this paper explores the impact of such supportive services as drug treatment, case management, housing assistance, mental health treatment and transportation on engagement with medical care. The study's principal finding was that specific ancillary services were significantly associated with an increase in an individual's likelihood of entering medical care and maintaining appropriate medical care services for HIV, particularly when the services addressed a corresponding need.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)S15-S29
JournalAIDS Care - Psychological and Socio-Medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV
Issue numberSUPPL. 1
StatePublished - Aug 2002

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
Data collctioen for this reseachrreceived support from grtas nunmber BRH8950–05,0-06 1 and -07 BRX62–095, -097f2mrtoehUS. Health Resources ad nSrceves Aimdrainntiiost (HRSA) under Title I of the Ryan White Comprehensive Aids Resources Emergency Act of 1990, with the support of the HIV Health and Human Serivecs Paninlng Counc, throilugh the New York City Department of Heath alnd Medical and Health ResehaAssrocictiaon of New York City, Inc. (MHRA. Dat)a anayislansd report genertioan was made possible by a grant, #20–0A5–13) (to M8HRA from the local evaatlionuparome, OfgŽ cemrof Science and Epidemiology, HIV/AIDS Bureau, HRSA. The contens ottfshstiuyaedsrleoly teh responsilbyiotiftehMn aSoiclomfhPcuaHabt,lheCloliuma Unbivrsiieytad ndnot necessaiylrrepresent the views of the fundg aingc.ieWenwsolduliekttohkDarnoyoth Jones Jessop, Kathy Nelson, Les Hayden, JoAnn Hilg, JeanneerKanoslkii, Richard Conviesr and Moses Pounds for commenting on an eairreverslion of this study. This research has receivd aepl fprorreearohscovhnaunsbmjuecsftamrtoehItniiotsnaluRtweBoavds riof e Columbia Univrsitey and the New York City Deptaenmt rof Heat.lh


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