The effect of bacterial endotoxin on the synthesis of interleukin-lβ and prostaglandin e2 by dispersed cells from human decidua

Y. J. Kim, J. J. Ahn, B. H. Woo

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OBJECTIVE: The purposes of this study was to determine the effect of bacterial endotoxin on the synthesis of interleukin-1β (IL-1β) and prostaglandin PG E., (PG E2) hy dispersed cells from human decidua, and to determine the inhibitory effect of anti-IL-1β and transforming growth factor-β, (TGF-β,) on the svnthcsis of ll.-lβ and PC; E., bv dispersed cells from human deridua. STUDY DESIGN: Human decidual cells in monolaver culture were treated with endotoxin. IL-lβ, endotoxin plus monoclonal antihuman ll.-lβ, endotoxin plus TGF-β,. The IL-lβ and PG EL, production were measured by E LISA and RIA. RESULTS: I) The PG EL, and IL-lβ synthesis stimulated with bacterial endotoxin bv decidual cells for 24 hours culture significantly increased in com pat isoii with controls. 2) The PG E.. and II.-l βsynthesis stimulated with bacterial endotoxin and anii-IL-lβ significantly decreased in comparison wiih controls. 3) The PG E, synthesis stimulated with bacterial endotoxin and TGF-β2, significantly decreased in comparison wilh controls. 4) The IL-lβ synthesis stimulated with bacterial endotoxin and TGF-β, significantly increased in comparison with controls. CONCLUSION: Bacterial endotoxin may induce the formation PG E2, through IL-lβ and endotoxin induced preterm labor mav be inhibited ami-IL-lβ and TGF-β2.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)S109
JournalActa Diabetologica Latina
Issue number1 PART II
StatePublished - 1997


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