The comparison of constituents distributed in the root of Angelica dahurica

Ui Joung Youn, Jae Kuk Yoo, Quan G. Chen, Ik Soo Lee, Min Kyun Na, Byung Sun Min, Hyun Ju Jung, Eun Kyoung Seo, Ki Hwan Bae

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

3 Scopus citations


In this study, we analyzed and quantified the amounts of bioactive phenolic constituents, xanthotoxin (1), oxypeucedanin (2), and imperatorin (3) in each part of the root of Angelica dahurica by HPLC, which validated by ICH guide lines comparing the linearity, intra day precision, inter-day precision. As a result, the amount of imperatorin 2.96% in the rootlet was two fold higher than that of the main root 1.32%. On the other hand, the amounts of xanthotoxin and oxypeucedanin in the rootlet showed similar to those of main root. In addition, the cortex of root is more plentiful of three consitituents (0.66%, 0.53%, and 1.85%) than those of xylem (0.29%, 0.05%, and 0.07%). These results show that the rootlet and cortex contain a large amount of bioactive phenolic constituent including xanthotoxin, oxypeucedanin, and imperatorin than other parts of the root.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)185-189
Number of pages5
JournalKorean Journal of Pharmacognosy
Issue number3
StatePublished - Sep 2010


  • Angelica dahurica
  • HPLC
  • Imperatorin
  • Oxypeucedanin
  • Xanthotoxin


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