Softening of the supersymmetry flavor problem from asymptotically free bulk interactions

Kang Sin Choi, Ki Young Choi, Jihn E. Kim

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4 Scopus citations


Recently, it was pointed out that soft masses of the supersymmetric gauge theories with extra dimensions tend to a flavor conserving point, which is a desirable scenario in gravity mediation models. We point out that in 6D we must consider the anomaly-free condition in addition to the condition on asymptotic freedom. From this, we find that E6, E-7, and E 8 are natural candidates in 6D. There is no SU(N) model, but there exist two SO(10) models and SO(2n) models (one each for each n≥6) satisfying these conditions. In five dimensions, there is no such condition on anomaly freedom, but the softening may not be enough.

Original languageEnglish
Article number035003
JournalPhysical Review D
Issue number3
StatePublished - 2003


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