Sequential electron-transfer and proton-transfer pathways in hydride-transfer reactions from dihydronicotinamide adenine dinucleotide analogues to non-heme oxoiron(IV) complexes and p-chloranil. Detection of radical cations of NADH analogues in acid-promoted hydride-transfer reactions

Shunichi Fukuzumi, Hiroaki Kotani, Yong Min Lee, Wonwoo Nam

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83 Scopus citations


Hydride transfer from dihydronicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH) analogues, such as 10-methyl-9,10-dihydroacridine (AcrH2) and its derivatives, 1-benzyl-1,4-dihydronicotinamide (BNAH), and their deuterated compounds, to non-heme oxoiron(IV) complexes such as [(L)FeIV(O)] 2+ (L = N4Py, Bn-TPEN, and TMC) occurs to yield the corresponding NAD+ analogues and non-heme iron(II) complexes in acetonitrile. Hydride transfer from the NADH analogues to p-chloranil (Cl4Q) also occurs to produce the corresponding NAD+ analogues and the hydroquinone anion (Cl4QH-). The logarithms of the observed second-order rate constants (log kH) of hydride transfer from NADH analogues to non-heme oxoiron(IV) complexes are linearly correlated with those of hydride transfer from the same series of NADH analogues to Cl 4Q, including similar kinetic deuterium isotope effects. The log kH values of hydride transfer from NADH analogues to non-heme oxoiron(IV) complexes are also linearly correlated with those of deprotonation of the radical cations of NADH analogues. Such linear correlations indicate that overall hydride-transfer reactions of NADH analogues to both non-heme oxoiron(IV) complexes and Cl4Q occur via electron transfer from NADH analogues to the oxoiron(IV) complexes, followed by rate-limiting deprotonation from the radical cations of NADH analogues and subsequent rapid electron transfer from the deprotonated radicals to the Fe(III) complexes to yield the corresponding NAD+ analogues and the Fe(II) complexes. The electron-transfer pathway was accelerated by the presence of perchloric acid, and the resulting radical cations of NADH analogues were detected by electron spin resonance spectroscopy and UV-vis spectrophotometry in the acid-promoted hydride-transfer reactions from NADH analogues to non-heme oxoiron(IV) complexes. This result provides the first direct evidence that a hydride transfer from NADH analogues to non-heme oxoiron(IV) complexes proceeds via an electron-transfer pathway.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)15134-15142
Number of pages9
JournalJournal of the American Chemical Society
Issue number45
StatePublished - 12 Nov 2008


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