Relaxation dynamics and interrupted coarsening in irrationally frustrated superconducting arrays

Gun Sang Jeon, Sung Jong Lee, Bongsoo Kim, M. Y. Choi

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Equilibrium and nonequilibrium relaxation behaviors of two-dimensional superconducting arrays are investigated via numerical simulations at low temperatures in the presence of incommensurate transverse magnetic fields, with frustration parameter f= (3-5) /2. We find that the nonequilibrium relaxation, beginning with random initial states quenched to low temperatures, exhibits a three-stage relaxation of chirality autocorrelations. At the early stage, the relaxation is found to be described by the von Schweidler form. Then it exhibits power-law behavior in the intermediate-time scale and faster decay in the long-time limit, which together can be fitted to the Ogielski form; for longer waiting times, this crosses over to a stretched exponential form. We argue that the power-law behavior in the intermediate-time scale may be understood as a consequence of the coarsening behavior, leading to the local vortex order corresponding to f=2/5 ground-state configurations. High mobility of the vortices in the domain boundaries, generating slow wandering motion of the domain walls, may provide mechanism of dynamic heterogeneity and account for the long-time stretched exponential relaxation behavior. It is expected that such meandering fluctuations of the low-temperature structure give rise to finite resistivity at those low temperatures; this appears consistent with the zero-temperature resistive transition in the limit of irrational frustration.

Original languageEnglish
Article number024523
JournalPhysical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Issue number2
StatePublished - 30 Jul 2008


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