Relaxation and coarsening dynamics in superconducting arrays

M. Y. Choi, Gun Sang Jeon, Sung Jong Lee

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We investigate the nonequilibrium coarsening dynamics in two-dimensional overdamped superconducting arrays under zero external current, where Ohmic dissipation occurs on junctions between superconducting islands through uniform resistance. The nonequilibrium relaxation of the unfrustrated array and also of the fully frustrated array, quenched to low-temperature ordered states or quasiordered ones, is dominated by characteristic features of coarsening processes via decay of point and line defects, respectively. In the case of unfrustrated arrays, it is argued that due to finiteness of the friction constant for a vortex (in the limit of large spatial extent of the vortex), the typical length scale grows as (formula presented) accompanied by the number of point vortices decaying as (formula presented) This is in contrast with the case that dominant dissipation occurs between each island and the substrate, where the friction constant diverges logarithmically and the length scale exhibits diffusive growth with a logarithmic correction term. We perform extensive numerical simulations, to obtain results in reasonable agreement. In the case of fully frustrated arrays, the domain growth of Ising-like chiral order exhibits the low-temperature behavior (formula presented) with the growth exponent (formula presented) apparently showing a strong temperature dependence in the low-temperature limit.

Original languageEnglish
JournalPhysical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Issue number1
StatePublished - 2003


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