Realistic modeling of the pulse profile of PSR J0737-3039A

B. B.P. Perera, C. Kim, M. A. McLaughlin, R. D. Ferdman, M. Kramer, I. H. Stairs, P. C.C. Freire, A. Possenti

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9 Scopus citations


The Double Pulsar, PSR J0737-3039A/B, is a unique system in which both neutron stars have been detected as radio pulsars. As shown in Ferdman et al., there is no evidence for pulse profile evolution of the A pulsar, and the geometry of the pulsar was fit well with a double-pole circular radio beam model. Assuming a more realistic polar cap model with a vacuum retarded dipole magnetosphere configuration including special relativistic effects, we create synthesized pulse profiles for A given the best-fit geometry from the simple circular beam model. By fitting synthesized pulse profiles to those observed from pulsar A, we constrain the geometry of the radio beam, namely the half-opening angle and the emission altitude, to be 30° and 10 neutron star radii, respectively. Combining the observational constraints of PSR J0737-3039A/B, we are able to construct the full three-dimensional orbital geometry of the Double Pulsar. The relative angle between the spin axes of the two pulsars (ΔS) is estimated to be (138° ± 5°) at the current epoch and will likely remain constant until tidal interactions become important in 85 Myr, at merger.

Original languageEnglish
Article number51
JournalAstrophysical Journal
Issue number1
StatePublished - 20 May 2014


  • binaries: general
  • pulsars: general
  • stars: neutron


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