Radiological protection in human research ethics using a case study: toward update of the ICRP Publication 62

Chieko Kurihara, Kimberly E. Applegate, Jee Hyang Jeong, Keiichi Akahane, Keon Wook Kang

Research output: Contribution to journalComment/debate

2 Scopus citations


The benefits of biomedical research involving humans are well recognised, along with the need for conformity to international standards of science and ethics. When human research involves radiation imaging procedures or radiotherapy, an extra level of expert review should be provided from the point of view of radiological protection. The relevant publication of the International Commission for Radiological Protection (ICRP) is now three decades old and is currently undergoing an update. This paper aims to provoke discussions on how the risks of radiation dose and the benefits of research should be assessed, using a case study of diagnostic radiology involving volunteers for whom there is no direct benefit. Further, the paper provides the current understanding of key concepts being considered for review and revision—such as the dose constraint and the novel research methods on the horizon, including radiation biology and epidemiology. The analysis revisits the perspectives described in the ICRP Publication 62, and considers the recent progress in both radiological protection ethics and medical research ethics.

Original languageEnglish
Article number044002
JournalJournal of radiological protection : official journal of the Society for Radiological Protection
Issue number4
StatePublished - Dec 2023

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2023 Society for Radiological Protection. Published on behalf of SRP by IOP Publishing Limited. All rights reserved.


  • International Commission on Radiological Protection
  • dose constraint
  • medical imaging
  • medical research involving humans
  • research ethics
  • right to know
  • social value


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