PdO-Nanoparticle-Embedded Carbon Nanotube Yarns for Wearable Hydrogen Gas Sensing Platforms with Fast and Sensitive Responses

Wonkyeong Son, Duck Weon Lee, Young Kwang Kim, Sungwoo Chun, Jae Myeong Lee, Jin Hyeong Choi, Woo Sub Shim, Dongseok Suh, Sang Kyoo Lim, Changsoon Choi

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

19 Scopus citations


Hydrogen (H2) gas has recently become a crucial energy source and an imperative energy vector, emerging as a powerful next-generation solution for fuel cells and biomedical, transportation, and household applications. With increasing interest in H2, safety concerns regarding personal injuries from its flammability and explosion at high concentrations (>4%) have inspired the development of wearable pre-emptive gas monitoring platforms that can operate on curved and jointed parts of the human body. In this study, a yarn-type hydrogen gas sensing platform (HGSP) was developed by biscrolling of palladium oxide nanoparticles (PdO NPs) and spinnable carbon nanotube (CNT) buckypapers. Because of the high loading of H2-active PdO NPs (up to 97.7 wt %), when exposed to a flammable H2concentration (4 vol %), the biscrolled HGSP yarn exhibits a short response time of 2 s, with a high sensitivity of 1198% (defined as ΔG/G0× 100%). Interestingly, during the reduction of PdO to Pd by H2gas, the HGSP yarn experienced a decrease in diameter and corresponding volume contraction. These excellent sensing performances suggest that the fabricated HGSP yarn could be applied to a wearable gas monitoring platform for real-time detection of H2gas leakage even over the bends of joints.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)94-102
Number of pages9
JournalACS Sensors
Issue number1
StatePublished - 27 Jan 2023

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
This work was supported by the Basic Science Research Programs through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF-2022R1F1A1064550) and DGIST R&D program of the Ministry of Science and ICT of the Republic of Korea (Grant Number 22-ET-08).

Publisher Copyright:
© 2023 American Chemical Society. All rights reserved.


  • biscrolling technology
  • hydrogen gas sensing platform
  • palladium oxide
  • reduction
  • spinnable carbon nanotube


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