PCSF: Privacy-Preserving Content-Based Spam Filter

Intae Kim, Willy Susilo, Joonsang Baek, Jongkil Kim, Yang Wai Chow

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

6 Scopus citations


The purpose of privacy-preserving spam filtering is to inspect email while preserving the privacy of its detection rules and the email content. Although many solutions have emerged, they suffer from the following: 1) privacy provided is insufficient as the email content or detection rules may be exposed to third parties; 2) due to improper use of encryption, exhaustive word search attacks are possible, potentially breaking the confidentiality of encrypted emails; 3) when spam filtering is outsourced, email is given to the outsource, where user privacy may be compromised if privacy protection measures are not properly put in place; 4) confirmation of whether the encrypted email is spam is only determined after the receiver receives the email, which can lead to a situation in which spam is loaded to the memory of the receiver's terminal for spam filtering. This can be harmful, for example, when an attacker inserts a web browser vulnerability into the body of an email to lure users to a phishing site simply by reading the email; 5) computationally expensive operations are unavoidable to provide required features of privacy-preserving spam filtering. We present Privacy-preserving Content-based Spam Filter (PCSF), which is a spam filter system that does not suffer from the aforementioned issues. Additionally, our system provides pre-validation before the receiver reads the email. We provide an implementation of our system based on the Naive Bayes spam filter and prove its security.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2856-2869
Number of pages14
JournalIEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security
StatePublished - 2023

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2005-2012 IEEE.


  • outsourcing
  • pre-validation
  • Privacy-preserving
  • rule-hiding
  • spam filter


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