Open pulmonary thromboembolectomy in patients with major Pulmonary thromboembolism

Sak Lee, Suk Won Song, Gijong Yi, Young Nam Youn, Kyung Jong Yoo, Byung Chul Chang

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8 Scopus citations


Purpose: We retrospectively analyzed open pulmonary thromboembolectomy in patients with acute and chronic pulmonary thromboembolism. Materials and Methods: Between August 1990 and May 2005, 12 consecutive patients with acute and chronic pulmonary thromboembolism underwent open pulmonary thromboembolectomy at Yonsei Cardiovascular Center. Their mean age was 47.5 years, and 7 of the patients were female. Among 12 patients, 5 had acute onset, and 7 had chronic disease, and 9 patients were associated with deep venous thrombosis. Extent of pulmonary embolism was massive in 3 patients with hemodynamic instability, and submassive in 8 patients. Preoperative echocardiogram revealed elevated right ventricular pressure in all patients, and 7 patients were in NYHA functional class III or IV. Pulmonary thromboembolectomy was performed in all patients under total circulatory arrest. Results: There were 2 hospital deaths (16.7%). Among the patients who survived, mean right ventricular pressure was decreased significantly from 64.3 mmHg to 34.0 mmHg with improvement of NYHA functional class. Conclusion: Open pulmonary thromboembolectomy is thought to be an immediate and definitive treatment for massive pulmonary embolism with optimal results. Even though operative mortality is still high, early diagnosis and immediate surgical intervention in highly selective patients may improve the clinical outcome.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)973-977
Number of pages5
JournalYonsei Medical Journal
Issue number6
StatePublished - 2008


  • Pulmonary thromboembolism
  • Thromboembolectomy


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