Novel innovative computer-based test (Inno-CBT) item types for national licensing examinations for health care professionals

Kwang Hoon Chun, Hye Kyung Jin, Jeong Hyun Yoon, Myeong Gyu Kim, Kyung Hee Choi, Eunyoung Kim, Hyunah Kim, Jin Ki Kim, Gyudong Kim, Kyungim Kim, Ju Yeun Lee, Eun Kyoung Chung, Young Sook Lee, Sandy Jeong Rhie

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Background: An effective test mechanism to evaluate clinical knowledge and skills of the entry-level healthcare professionals is important for providing clinical competency and improving patient care. This study aimed to develop novel, innovative computer-based test (Inno-CBT) item types for application in the national examination of Korean healthcare professionals. Methods: This exploratory study was conducted from May 2021 to March 2022 by a team of faculty members from pharmacy schools in South Korea. A literature search using PubMed, Google Scholar, RISS, Web of Science, and KoreaMed was performed. Forum presentations, media articles, and previous reports by the Korea Health Personnel Licensing Examination Institute (KHPLEI) were included. Workshops were held, information and ideas were collected and conceptualized, and item types were designed, drafted, and refined. By repeating this process, the Inno-CBT item types were finalized. Results: Forty-one Inno-CBT item types with 28 subtypes were developed. New digital technologies, such as a reactive responsive media interface, an animation insertion, multimedia embedding, and network surfing, were utilized in these novel types. It was anticipated that these Inno-CBT item types would effectively measure abilities in healthcare knowledge, problem-solving skills, and professional behaviors. Some potential barriers to implementing the Inno-CBT item types include item difficulty, operational unfamiliarity, complexity in scoring protocols, and network security. Conclusions: A variety of styles of novel Inno-CBT item types were developed to evaluate the multifaceted and in-depth professional abilities required for healthcare professionals. Prior to implementing these item types in the national examination, item validation and technical support should be conducted.

Original languageEnglish
Article number560
JournalBMC Medical Education
Issue number1
StatePublished - Dec 2023

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2023, BioMed Central Ltd., part of Springer Nature.


  • Computer-based test
  • Examination
  • Health Personnel
  • Innovative CBT item types
  • Licensure


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