Nano-scale observation of charge transport and potential distribution of photovoltaic Cu(In,Ga)Se 2 thin-films

A. R. Jeong, W. Jo, H. J. Jo, D. H. Kim, S. J. Sung, J. K. Kang, D. H. Lee, D. H. Nam, D. Y. Park, H. Cheong

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


Understanding of grain boundary (GB) is critical for photovoltaic applications since electron-hole recombination at GBs determines the conversion efficiency. However, our local electrical and optical analysis shows positive potential at GBs in Cu(In,Ga)Se 2 (CIGS), which suppresses the recombination at GBs. We report on a direct measurement of potential distribution and local electrical transport on the surface of photovoltaic CIGS using a nano-scale electrical characterization of Kelvin probe microscopy and conductive atomic force microscopy. This reveals that the positively charged surface potential at GB is expected to increase the minority carrier collection and the enhanced current at GB leads to large carrier mobility and electron-hole separation at the GBs. Micro-Raman scattering results helps to analyze electrical behavior from defect analysis.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication2011 IEEE Nanotechnology Materials and Devices Conference, NMDC 2011
Number of pages2
StatePublished - 2011
Event2011 IEEE Nanotechnology Materials and Devices Conference, NMDC 2011 - Jeju, Korea, Republic of
Duration: 18 Oct 201121 Oct 2011

Publication series

Name2011 IEEE Nanotechnology Materials and Devices Conference, NMDC 2011


Conference2011 IEEE Nanotechnology Materials and Devices Conference, NMDC 2011
Country/TerritoryKorea, Republic of


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