Magnetism of Nd3+ ions in Nd5Rh4Sn10

S. Ramakrishnan, N. G. Patil, W. Kang, Heon Ick Ha, Kim Yaung-Soo, T. Takeuchi, Y. Miyako, A. A. Menovsky, G. J. Nieuwenhuys, J. A. Mydosh

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

7 Scopus citations


In the family of rare-earth transition metal silicides, compounds belonging to the series R5Ir4Si10 (where R is a rare-earth element from Dy to Lu and Y) exhibits multiple phase transitions. However, there exists a series R5Rh4Sn10, which can only be formed with light rare-earth elements from Ce to Nd. In this work, we report detailed resistivity, susceptibility, magnetization, heat-capacity, thermal expansion, and magnetoresistance studies, which suggest that the Nd3+ moments undergo unusual magnetic orderings in a single crystal of Nd5Rh4Sn10. A second-order magnetic transition at 7.15 K is followed by a first-order transition below 6.15 K that results in a huge heat-capacity peak of 100 J/mol K. The two transitions are strongly suppressed by a magnetic field (4 T) along the c axis while they are only weakly influenced by fields as high as 16 T in the basal plane. Moreover, the magnetoresistance data along the a and c axes from 1.5 to 15 K in fields up to 18 T revealed a giant positive magnetoresistance along the a axis below 6 K and clear evidence of a metamagnetic transition along the c axis. We attribute this unusual magnetic behavior to the unique crystal structure of this Nd5Rh4Sn10 compound with its three different Nd sites.

Original languageEnglish
JournalPhysical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Issue number18
StatePublished - 30 Mar 2001


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