Low dimensional transport properties of iodine doped ultrathin polyacetylene of 100 nm thickness

D. S. Suh, T. J. Kim, Y. W. Park, K. Akagi, H. Shirakawa, J. S. Brooks

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The electrical transport properties of the iodine-doped ultrathin polyacetylene of 100nm thickness were studied as a function of temperature (I.3K∼300K) and magnetic field (up to 6.5 Tesla). The temperature dependence of resistivity shows the 3-dimensional variable-range-hopping behavior for the highly resistive sample, power-law dependence for the intermediately resistive one, and the logarithmic dependence for highly conducting film. Magnetoresistance is positive for all samples below T≈4K, and its magnitude decreases as the sample becomes more conducting. The anisotropic magnetoresistance is observed for the highly conducting sample. The obtained results are discussed in terms of the spin-dependent varible-range-hopping conduction and the possible characteristics of the ultrathin polyacetylene film.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)467-468
Number of pages2
JournalSynthetic Metals
Issue number1-3
StatePublished - 15 Mar 2001


  • Conductivity
  • Magnetotransport
  • Polyacetylene and derivatives
  • Transport measurements


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