Learning with minecraft and kodu: Examining complex problem-solving strategies

Hyo Jeong So, Matthew Gaydos, Minhwi Seo, Yeonji Jung, Hyeran Lee

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


The purpose of this research is to examine how game-based learning coupled with the problem-based learning pedagogy affects students' ability to solve complex, ill-defined problems. This study examines two cases of digital game-based learning in a secondary school in Korea: Social Studies class where students learned the complexity of urban planning with Minecraft; Science class where students learned the topic of air pollution with Kodu. The students were presented with open-ended problems that they discussed and solved as groups. Discourse data was transcribed and content-analyzed according to the coding framework on the patterns of complex problem-solving strategies. Overall, we found that game-based learning with Minecraft and Kodu, coupled with a PBL curriculum, can help students in tackling complex, ill-defined problems by improving their use of models and planning practices. In conclusion, we discuss the implications of this study concerning the potential and challenges of digital game-based learning in preparing students for the changing world.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationICCE 2017 - 25th International Conference on Computers in Education
Subtitle of host publicationTechnology and Innovation: Computer-Based Educational Systems for the 21st Century, Workshop Proceedings
EditorsYusuke Hayashi, Thepchai Supnithi, Moffat Mathews, Su Luan Wong, Ahmad Fauzi Mohd Ayub, Antonija Mitrovic, Wenli Chen, Jie-Chi Yang
PublisherAsia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
Number of pages8
ISBN (Print)9789869401227
StatePublished - 2017
Event25th International Conference on Computers in Education: Technology and Innovation: Computer-Based Educational Systems for the 21st Century, ICCE 2017 - Christchurch, New Zealand
Duration: 4 Dec 20178 Dec 2017

Publication series

NameICCE 2017 - 25th International Conference on Computers in Education: Technology and Innovation: Computer-Based Educational Systems for the 21st Century, Workshop Proceedings


Conference25th International Conference on Computers in Education: Technology and Innovation: Computer-Based Educational Systems for the 21st Century, ICCE 2017
Country/TerritoryNew Zealand

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
This research was supported by Microsoft. We would like to thank all the teachers and students who participated in this research project.

Publisher Copyright:
© 2017 Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education. All rights reserved.


  • Digital game-based learning
  • Kodu
  • Minecraft
  • Problem-solving


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