Individualized 3d-printed bone-anchored maxillary protraction device for growth modification in skeletal class iii malocclusion

Minji Kim, Jingwen Li, Sehyang Kim, Wonho Kim, Sun Hyun Kim, Sung Min Lee, Young Long Park, Sook Yang, Jin Woo Kim

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

8 Scopus citations


Bone-anchored maxillary protraction (BAMP) is effective for skeletal Class III malocclusion. However, infection, screw and plate loosening, and device failures occur with conventional plates. This pilot prospective study analyzed the feasibility of individualized BAMP using preoperative simulation and 3D titanium printing in patients referred by the orthodontic department for four BAMP miniplates. Preoperative cone beam computed tomography data were analyzed using CAD/CAM software to fabricate the individualized 3D-printed BAMP device. The customized plates were printed using selective laser sintering and inserted onto the bone through an adjunct transfer jig. The accuracy of preoperative simulation and actual placement of the BAMP device were tested by superimposing simulated positioned digital images and postoperative computed tomography data. The growth modification effect depended on superimposition of lateral cephalograms and comparative changes in SNA, SNB, ANB, and Wits. Two male patients were finally included in the study. BAMP decreased the ANB difference (−4.56 to −1.09) and Wits appraisal (−7.52 to −3.26) after 2 years. Normal measurement indices for sagittal and vertical growth indicated successful growth modification. The mean accuracy between preoperative simulation and actual surgery was 0.1081 ± 0.5074 mm. This treatment modality involving preoperative simulation and 3D titanium printing for fabricating and placing customized BAMP devices precisely at planned locations is effective for treating skeletal Class III malocclusion.

Original languageEnglish
Article number1087
JournalJournal of Personalized Medicine
Issue number11
StatePublished - Nov 2021

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.


  • 3D printing
  • Bone-anchored maxillary protraction
  • Growth modification
  • Skeletal class III malocclusion


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