IN-1233-eluting covered metallic stent to prevent hyperplasia: Experimental study in a rabbit esophageal model

Eun Young Kim, Ho Young Song, Jin Hyoung Kim, Yong Fan, Sangsoo Park, Dae Kee Kim, Edward W. Lee, Han Kyu Na

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21 Scopus citations


Purpose: To investigate the efficacy of an IN-1233-eluting covered stent in preventing tissue hyperplasia in a rabbit esophageal model. Materials and Methods: The local animal research committee approved all experiments. Esophageal stents were placed in 40 male New Zealand rabbits (weight range, 2.8-3.2 kg). The drug group (D) received IN-1233-eluting covered stents (n = 20); the control group (C) received polyurethane-covered stents (n = 20). Drug loading of IN-1233-eluting covered stent was 10%. Four study groups were formed: C and D animals sacrificed at 4 (D4, C4) and 8 (D8, C8) weeks after stent placement (n = 10). Esophagography was used to assess the percentage of diameter stenosis. Histologic findings of the drug and control stents were compared. The Mann-Whitney U test was used to evaluate differences. Results: The mean percentage ± standard deviation of diameter stenosis was significantly lower in D groups than in C groups at both 4 (C4 = 36.15% ± 12.63, D4 = 7.83% ± 8.12 [P < .001]) and 8 (C8 = 50.21% ± 20.43, D8 = 27.78% ± 14.40 [P = .019]) weeks. Percentage of granulation tissue area (C4 = 33.07% ± 19.11, D4 = 21.59% ± 18.22 [P = .028]; C8 = 44.70% ± 21.71, D8 = 31.97% ± 22.54 [P = .131]), number of epithelial layers (C4 = 4.77 ± 1.55, D4 = 3.37 ± 1.73 [P = .002]; C8 = 5.50 ± 1.38, D8 = 4.50 ± 1.63 [P = .057]), and thickness of submucosal fibrosis (C4 = 2.42 mm ± 1.08, D4 = 1.62 mm ± 0.77 [P = .006]; C8 = 2.89 mm ± 1.00, D8 = 2.07 mm ± 0.71 [P = .007]) were lower in D than in C groups. Inflammatory cell infiltration was significantly higher in D than in C groups (C4 = 2.63 ± 0.81, D4 = 3.33 ± 1.09 [P = .032]; C8 = 2.20 ± 0.81, D8 = 3.00 ± 0.95 [P = .012]). Conclusion: The use of an IN-1233-eluting covered stents decreased tissue hyperplasia secondary to stent placement in a rabbit esophageal model.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)396-404
Number of pages9
Issue number2
StatePublished - May 2013


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