Impact of Synaptic Device Variations on Classification Accuracy in a Binarized Neural Network

Sungho Kim, Hee Dong Kim, Sung Jin Choi

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26 Scopus citations


Brain-inspired neuromorphic systems (hardware neural networks) are expected to be an energy-efficient computing architecture for solving cognitive tasks, which critically depend on the development of reliable synaptic weight storage (i.e., synaptic device). Although various nanoelectronic devices have successfully reproduced the learning rules of biological synapses through their internal analog conductance states, the sustainability of such devices is still in doubt due to the variability common to all nanoelectronic devices. Alternatively, a neuromorphic system based on a relatively more reliable digital-type switching device has been recently demonstrated, i.e., a binarized neural network (BNN). The synaptic device is a more mature digital-type switching device, and the training/recognition algorithm developed for the BNN enables the task of facial image classification with a supervised training scheme. Here, we quantitatively investigate the effects of device parameter variations on the classification accuracy; the parameters include the number of weight states (Nstate), the weight update margin (ΔG), and the weight update variation (Gvar). This analysis demonstrates the feasibility of the BNN and introduces a practical neuromorphic system based on mature, conventional digital device technologies.

Original languageEnglish
Article number15237
JournalScientific Reports
Issue number1
StatePublished - 1 Dec 2019

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2019, The Author(s).


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