Immunoglobulin G (IgG) subclass and IgE responses in human paragonimiases caused by three different species

Yoon Kong, Akira Ito, Hyun Jong Yang, Young Bae Chung, Shiro Kasuya, Masashi Kobayashi, Yue Han Liu, Seung Yull Cho

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27 Scopus citations


In 40 cases of human paragonimiases caused by Paragonimus westermani (20 cases), P. miyazakii (10 cases), and P. skrjabini (10 cases), responses of serum immunoglobulin G (IgG), IgG subclasses, and IgE were analyzed by immunoblotting with crude antigens prepared from egg, 4-week-old juvenile, and adult forms of P. westermani. The 32- and 35-kDa proteins in the adult extracts showed specific reactions regardless of the causative species (39 of 40 cases; 98%). Sera of patients infected with P. westermani and P. miyazakii reacted strongly with the 28-, 46-, and 94-kDa proteins of egg extracts, while those from patients infected with P. skrjabini reacted faintly. No sera from patients with other trematodiases (0 of 15 cases), cestodiases (0 of 20 cases), or lung cancer (0 of 5 cases) or from healthy controls (0 of 10 individuals) showed positive reactions. Analysis by IgG subclass revealed that IgG4 (33 of 40 cases; 83%) and IgG1 (29 of 40 cases; 73%) antibodies in the patient sera recognized the 32- and 35-kDa proteins predominantly. IgG3 reaction was found in 50% (10 of 20 cases) and 30% (3 of 10 cases) of the sera of patients infected with P. westermani and P. miyazakii, respectively. In an IgE immunoblot, 83% (33 of 40 cases) of the sera from paragonimiasis patients reacted with the 32- and 35-kDa proteins while no sera from patients with heterologous diseases and healthy controls showed a positive reaction. Both 32- and 35-kDa proteins in adult extracts of P. westermani were highly reliable for serodiagnosis of human paragonimiases.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)474-478
Number of pages5
JournalClinical and Diagnostic Laboratory Immunology
Issue number4
StatePublished - 1998


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