Immediate loading as a vehicle for interdisciplinary training in implant placement and restoration

Eun Suk Kim, Eun Jin Park, Alexander Schrott, Paul A. Schnitman

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Recently, implant surgery has been introduced into postdoctoral prosthodontic programs; however, efficient training models to teach this have not been described to date. For training models to be effective and acceptable to all parties, a mutually beneficial situation must be created, and guidelines that can be followed easily need to be described. The purpose of this report is to suggest immediate loading of dental implants as an example for an interdisciplinary training model that integrates both the surgical aspects of implant therapy into the education of prosthodontic graduate students and the prosthodontic aspects of implant therapy into the training of periodontal graduate students. A flow chart of training steps is described for a patient treated with an immediately loaded mandibular fixed full-arch prosthesis on five interforaminal implants. Both the prosthodontic and the periodontal residents were involved in all phases of treatment. These postdoctoral students were in the final year of their program. Therefore, individual treatment steps could be taught interchangeably and accomplished by the student of the other specialty under the supervision of a clinical instructor. The unique characteristic of the immediate loading procedure, which includes surgical implant placement as well as immediate conversion of an existing denture into a fixed implant-supported provisional prosthesis, allows each postgraduate student to experience detailed surgical and prosthodontic treatment in a controlled environment on the day of surgery.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)759-762
Number of pages4
JournalInternational Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Implants
Issue number4
StatePublished - 2010


  • Dental implant
  • Guidelines
  • Immediate loading
  • Interdisciplinary
  • Postdoctoral training


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