Hyperparameter Tuning with Gaussian Processes for Optimal Abstraction Control in Simulation-based Optimization of Smart Semiconductor Manufacturing Systems

Moon Gi Seok, Wen Jun Tan, Boyi Su, Wentong Cai, Jisu Kwon, Seon Han Choi

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1 Scopus citations


Smart manufacturing utilizes digital twins that are virtual forms of their production plants for analyzing and optimizing decisions. Digital twins have been mainly developed as discrete-event models (DEMs) to represent the detailed and stochastic dynamics of productions in the plants. The optimum decision is achieved after simulating the DEM-based digital twins under various what-if decision candidates; thus, simulation acceleration is crucial for rapid optimum determination for given problems. For the acceleration of discrete-event simulations, adaptive abstraction-level conversion approaches have been previously proposed to switch active models of each machine group between a set of DEM components and a corresponding lookup table-based mean-delay model during runtime. The switching is decided by detecting the machine group's convergence into (or divergence from) a steady state. However, there is a tradeoff between speedup and accuracy loss in the adaptive abstraction convertible simulation (AACS), and inaccurate simulation can degrade the quality of the optimum (i.e., the distance between the calculated optimum and the actual optimum). In this article, we propose a simulation-based optimization that optimizes the problem based on a genetic algorithm while tuning specific hyperparameters (related to the tradeoff control) to maximize the speedup of AACS under a specified accuracy constraint. For each individual, the proposed method distributes the overall computing budget for multiple simulation runs (considering the digital twin's probabilistic property) into the hyperparameter optimization (HPO) and fitness evaluation. We propose an efficient HPO method that manages multiple Gaussian process models (as speedup-estimation models) to acquire promising optimal hyperparameter candidates (that maximize the simulation speedups) with few attempts. The method also reduces each individual's exploration overhead (as the population evolves) by estimating each hyperparameter's expected speedup using previous exploration results of neighboring individuals without actual simulation executions. The proposed method was applied to optimize raw-material releases of a large-scale manufacturing system to prove the concept and evaluate the performance under various situations.

Original languageEnglish
Article number7
JournalACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation
Issue number1
StatePublished - 25 Nov 2024

Bibliographical note

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  • Additional Key Words and PhrasesSimulation-based optimization
  • discrete-event modeling
  • manufacturing-system simulation
  • runtime abstraction-level conversion


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