How Norms Matter in Mediation: An Introduction

Sara Hellmüller, Jamie Pring, Oliver P. Richmond

Research output: Contribution to journalEditorial

19 Scopus citations


International mediators are often tasked to promote liberal norms. However, dilemmas created in diffusing these norms, influenced by the mediators’ interaction with the conflict parties and a decline of the liberal international order, have fueled debates about how norms are diffused through mediation, whether mediators should and can promote norms, and what norms they promote. The IR literature provides rich theoretical frameworks on norms, which could help navigate these questions. Yet, mediation scholars have not systematically integrated ideational aspects in their analyses. This Special Issue fills this gap by providing the first comprehensive analysis of how norms matter in mediation. It thereby not only shares novel analytical insights on norms in mediation, but also enriches the conceptualizations of three central notions in the norms literature: the norm diffusion process, the agency of actors, and the nature of the diffused norms.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)345-363
Number of pages19
JournalSwiss Political Science Review
Issue number4
StatePublished - Dec 2020

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2020 Swiss Political Science Association


  • International Relations
  • Mediation
  • norms
  • peace research
  • peacemaking


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