How Does the Brain Allow the Eyes to See?

Soo Hyun Kim, Eun Ji Cho, Yu Jin Kim, Song E. Kim, Hyang Woon Lee

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Did you know that it is not only your eyes that allow you to see? Your brain functions with the eyes to process and make sense of all things that you see. A part of the brain called the visual cortex is responsible for vision. The brain contains over 100 billion brain cells called neurons, and they work in “levels” to help you see the world—from a basic level in which you perceive simple shapes up to higher levels where you understand complex patterns. When networks of brain neurons do not work properly, brain disorders can result. Doctors and scientists can use various techniques to measure the activity of neurons. For example, unusual patterns of brain waves can tell us about damaged neural networks and brain abnormalities. Computers can also be programmed to “see” visual information, and such computers can help us to learn about the vision process in humans.
Original languageAmerican English
Article numberfrym.2023.732405
Pages (from-to)1-7
Number of pages7
JournalFrontiers for Young Minds
Issue number732405
StatePublished - 23 Aug 2023


  • Brain
  • Vision
  • Stimulus


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