Health risks associated with urinary incontinence among older Korean Americans living in subsidized senior housing

Yuri Jang, Juyoung Park, Jung In Park, Hi Woo Lee, Soondool Chung, Sunmin Lee

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Objectives: We examined the association of urinary incontinence (UI) with physical, mental, and social health among older Korean Americans living in subsidized senior housing. Design: Data were obtained from surveys conducted in 2023 with older Korean Americans residing in subsidized senior housing in the Los Angeles area (n = 313). UI was measured using a question about the frequency of involuntary urine loss. Physical, mental, and social health risks were assessed with a single item for self-rated health (fair/poor rating), the Patient Health Questionnaire−9 (probable depression), and the Lubben Social Network Scale−6 (isolation from family and friends). Results: Over half of the sample reported UI, with 46.3% experiencing it infrequently (i.e. seldom) and 10.3% frequently (i.e. sometimes or often). UI was significantly associated with physical and mental health indicators; the odds of reporting fair or poor health and having probable depression were 1.94–7.32 times higher among those with either infrequent or frequent UI compared to those without UI. While family isolation was not associated with UI, the odds of being isolated from friends were 2.85 times greater among those with frequent UI compared to those without UI. Conclusion: Our findings confirm the adverse impact of UI on physical and mental health and highlight its unique role in social health. UI-associated social isolation was significant only in relationships with friends, providing new insights into the distinction between isolation from family and friends. These findings enhance our understanding of the health risks associated with UI and inform strategies for health management and promotion within the senior housing context.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)85-97
Number of pages13
JournalEthnicity and Health
Issue number1
StatePublished - 2025

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2024 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.


  • Urinary incontinence
  • health risk
  • older immigrants
  • senior housing
  • social isolation


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