Generalized self-calibrating simultaneous multi-slice MR image reconstruction from 3D Fourier encoding perspective

Eun Ji Lim, Taehoon Shin, Joonyeol Lee, Jaeseok Park

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Scopus citations


This work introduces a novel, k-space based one-step solution for simultaneous multi-slice MR image reconstruction from 3D Fourier encoding perspective. With undersampled SMS imaging, image reconstruction suffers from both inter-slice leakages and in-plane aliasing artifacts. Aliasing separation becomes further challenging in the presence of discrepancies between calibration and imaging. To address them, in this work a measured SMS 3D k-space with additional calibrating signals is decomposed into SMS imaging and self-calibrating data sets. Extended controlled aliasing is performed by upsampling the measured data in the kz-direction. A slice-specific null space operator is then learned using extended self-calibration exploiting target slices and additional in-plane-shifted images. Inter-slice leakages and in-plane aliasing artifacts are jointly resolved in a single step by solving a constrained optimization problem in which null space reconstruction consistency is balanced with a Hankel-structured low rank prior while data fidelity in 3D Fourier space is enforced. Retrospective and prospective studies are performed to validate the effectiveness of the proposed method in various regions including knee and L-spine.

Original languageEnglish
Article number102621
JournalMedical Image Analysis
StatePublished - Nov 2022

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2022 Elsevier B.V.


  • Image reconstruction
  • Magnetic resonance imaging
  • Parallel imaging
  • Simultaneous multi-slice


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