Family partner intervention influences self-care confidence and treatment self-regulation in patients with heart failure

Kelly D. Stamp, Sandra B. Dunbar, Patricia C. Clark, Carolyn M. Reilly, Rebecca A. Gary, Melinda Higgins, Richard M. Ryan

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

65 Scopus citations


Background: Heart failure self-care requires confidence in one's ability and motivation to perform a recommended behavior. Most self-care occurs within a family context, yet little is known about the influence of family on heart failure self-care or motivating factors. Aims: To examine the association of family functioning and the self-care antecedents of confidence and motivation among heart failure participants and determine if a family partnership intervention would promote higher levels of perceived confidence and treatment self-regulation (motivation) at four and eight months compared to patient-family education or usual care groups. Methods: Heart failure patients (N=117) and a family member were randomized to a family partnership intervention, patient-family education or usual care groups. Measures of patient's perceived family functioning, confidence, motivation for medications and following a low-sodium diet were analyzed. Data were collected at baseline, four and eight months. Results: Family functioning was related to self-care confidence for diet (p=0.02) and autonomous motivation for adhering to their medications (p=0.05) and diet (p=0.2). The family partnership intervention group significantly improved confidence (p=0.05) and motivation (medications (p=0.004; diet p=0.012) at four months, whereas patient-family education group and usual care did not change. Conclusion: Perceived confidence and motivation for self-care was enhanced by family partnership intervention, regardless of family functioning. Poor family functioning at baseline contributed to lower confidence. Family functioning should be assessed to guide tailored family-patient interventions for better outcomes.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)317-327
Number of pages11
JournalEuropean Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing
Issue number5
StatePublished - 1 Aug 2016

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© European Society of Cardiology.


  • Heart failure
  • family interventions
  • low-sodium diet
  • medication administration
  • self-care confidence


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