Extraction of metal values from manganese nodules in the ocean environment using zinc matte as a reductant

S. E. Kuh, J. W. Kim, D. S. Kim, K. S. Choi

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

4 Scopus citations


The leaching process of manganese nodules in the marine environment is significant in the recovery of several metal values. In this experiment, reduction leaching of manganese nodules was carried out using zinc matte as a reductant in dilute HCl solution. The leaching characteristics of Mn, Co, Ni, and Cu from manganese nodules depended on the leaching temperature and initial HCl concentration. A temperature of approximately 70°C was suitable for the present reduction leaching, and the extraction rate increased with increase in the initial HCl concentration. More than 97% of Mn, 92% of Co, and 88% of Ni were easily extracted. The dissolution of Mn, Co, Ni, and Cu depended upon the amount of zinc matte added. The ratio of liquid and solid was also an important factor in the extraction of manganese nodules. As the liquid/solid (L/S, lixiviant/manganese nodule) ratio was increased, the extraction rate increased. The extraction rate was independent of stirring speed.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)881-887
Number of pages7
JournalEnvironmental Technology (United Kingdom)
Issue number8
StatePublished - 1 Aug 2001


  • Activation energy
  • Manganese nodule
  • Reaction kinetics
  • Reduction leaching
  • Zinc matte


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