Excretory bladder: the source of cysteine proteases in Paragonimus westermani metacercariae.

Hyun Jong Yang, Young Bae Chung, Shin Yong Kang, Yoon Kong, Seung Yull Cho

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3 Scopus citations


The cysteine proteases of Paragonimus westermani metacercariae are involved in metacercarial excystment, host immune modulation, and possibly in tissue penetration. In order to clarify the origin of the enzymes, 28 and 27 kDa cysteine proteases in metacercarial excretory-secretory products were purified through the FPLC system using Mono Q column chromatography. The polyclonal antibodies to the enzymes were produced in BALB/c mice. Immunolocalization studies revealed that both cysteine proteases were distributed at the linings of excretory bladder and excretory concretions of the metacercariae. It was suggested that the excretory epithelium of P. westermani undertake the secretory function of metacercarial cysteine proteases, in addition to its role as a route for eliminating waste products.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)89-92
Number of pages4
JournalThe Korean journal of parasitology
Issue number2
StatePublished - Jun 2002


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