Endoscopically assisted malarplasty: One incision and two dissection planes

Jung Su Lee, Sora Kang, Yang Woo Kim

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23 Scopus citations


Asian society is uniquely concerned about the distinctive facial features associated with malar prominence. Various methods of reduction malarplasty have been developed and are currently being applied. In this study, a new approach to malarplasty was experimentally assessed between December of 1999 and August of 2001. After having received careful observations of their facial features and full counseling sessions, 32 patients were selected. These patients had three distinctive characteristics: (1) severe zygomatic arch prominence and normal zygomatic body prominence, (2) desire for only a reduction of the lateral prominence, and (3) desire for a less invasive surgery. Through a short incision in the temporal area, the authors performed the dissection as two different planes. Endoscopic dissection between the superficial layer of deep temporal fascia and the temporoparietal fascia to the zygomatic body and blunt dissection under the deep layer of the deep temporal fascia to the zygomatic arch were performed. Complete osteotomy of the zygomatic arch and an incomplete osteotomy of the zygomatic body were then performed with a reciprocating saw. Finally, the zygomatic arch for the zygoma infraction was pressed manually. The major advantages of this procedure are its simplicity and the short operation and recovery time, with little bleeding and edema.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)461-467
Number of pages7
JournalPlastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jan 2003


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