electrogeneration and characterization of (C6H5CH2)2C70

Karl M. Kadish, Xiang Gao, Olga Gorelik, Eric Van Caemelbecke, Tomoyoshi Suenobu, Shunichi Fukuzumi

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26 Scopus citations


(C6H5CH2)2C70 2- was electrosynthesized from C702- and C6H5CH2Br and purified by HPLC. Mass spectral results for the largest HPLC fraction confirm formation of the compound, while inf1H NMR spectroscopy suggests that three isomers are present in this fraction, all of which are 1,4-addition products. The isomers are proposed to be the 22,25-, 22,41-, and 22,45-isomers on the basis of 1H NMR data and the fact that bulky benzyl groups on C60 form preferentially 1,4- rather than 1,2-addition products. (C6H5CH2)2C70 was examined as to its electrochemical properties, and two sets of reduction processes were observed, one of which is assigned to the 22,25- and 22,41-isomers that exhibit identical electrochemical properties and the other to the 22,45-isomer of (C6H5CH2)2C70. The vis-near-lR spectrum of (C6H5CH2)2C70̇- in benzonitrile shows a strong band at 776 nm which is not seen for C70̇- as well as two more bands in the near-IR region (1062 and 1250 nm) which are blue-shifted with respect to the near-IR absorption band of C70̇- that appears at 1368 nm.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2902-2907
Number of pages6
JournalJournal of Physical Chemistry A
Issue number13
StatePublished - 6 Apr 2000


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