Effects of group art and music therapy in newly hired nurses: A mixed method study

Eun Young Doo, Hyung Eun Seo, Sujin Choi, Bo Kyung Chang, Miyoung Kim

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5 Scopus citations


Purpose: This study was done to evaluate the effects of group art and music therapy on decreasing job stress and increasing resilience of newly hired nurses. Methods: A mixed method design was used. Quantitative data (N=35) were collected through questionnaires from November 2 to December, 5, 2016 and were analyzed using a one-tailed paired t-test by SPSS/WIN 22.0 program. Qualitative data (N=18) were collected through group and individual interviews from November 10, 2016 to February 3, 2017 and were analyzed using a qualitative thematic analysis. Results: The first hypothesis “participants will have lower job stress after the art and music therapy” was not statistically supported (t=-1.12, p=.270). The second hypothesis, “participants will have higher resilience after the art and music therapy” was supported (t=-2.13, p=.041). Four main themes were derived from the interviews: ‘looking into myself’, ‘feeling a camaraderie’, ‘healing of my mind and body’, ‘change in the intimidated self,’ Conclusion: The findings indicate that art and music therapy for newly hired nurses may positively influence resilience. Hospital organizations should utilize the therapy for newly hired nurses to improve their resilience so that they can realize their own values and increase positive emotion despite job stress.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)118-129
Number of pages12
JournalJournal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration
Issue number2
StatePublished - Mar 2018

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2018 Korean Academy of Nursing Administration.


  • Art therapy
  • Job stress
  • Music therapy
  • Newly hired nurses
  • Resilience


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