Discrete light cone quantization of fivebranes, large N screening, L2 harmonic forms on Calabi manifolds

Chanju Kim, Kimyeong Lee, Piljin Yi

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7 Scopus citations


We find one explicit L2 harmonic form for every Calabi manifold. Calabi manifolds are known to arise in the low energy dynamics of solitons in Yang-Mills theories, and the L2 harmonic form corresponds to the supersymmetric ground state. As the normalizable ground state of a single U(N) instanton, it is related to the bound state of a single D0 to multiple coincident D4's in the noncommutative setting, or equivalently a unit Kaluza-Klein mode in the discrete light cone quantization of fivebrane world-volume theory. As the ground state of non-Abelian massless monopoles realized around a monopole- "antimonopole" pair, it shows how the long range force between the pair is screened in a manner reminiscent of the large N behavior of the quark-antiquark potential found in AdS/CFT correspondence.

Original languageEnglish
Article number065024
Pages (from-to)650241-6502411
Number of pages5852171
JournalPhysical Review D
Issue number6
StatePublished - 15 Mar 2002


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