Designing an inquiry-based field work project for students using mobile technology and its effects on students' experience

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

19 Scopus citations


The objectives of this research are, first, to find mobile technology-informed ways of designing inquiry-based fieldwork, in support of students' inquiry processes and, second, to evaluate how a technology-integrated fieldwork project can affect students' knowledge and experience. In order to achieve these objectives, the study adopted a set of core design principles and guidelines for the creation of inquiry-based fieldwork projects, detailing tips and an example (i.e., the Yangdong Village Project) of these principles and guidelines' application. In addition, this study used a questionnaire to determine the influence of the project on students' understanding of the investigation area and their inquiry-related behaviors. It also analyzed conversation between students, to examine how students' learning processes are supported in fieldwork through use of mobile technology. A total of 86 high school students (ages 17-18), from four schools located in the Seoul metropolitan area, participated in the project. The results of the analyses showed that participation in the project helped students become better informed about the area they investigated. While they were conducting the field tasks, they showed more inquiry-driven behaviors, such as being more active and adventurous, more talkative, and more responsible (88.7%). Technological support for the process of field inquiry was prominent in three situations: location identification, data capture, and monitoring. The functionalities of mobile technology that students used during the field inquiry would reflect not only the characteristics of the task, but also the types of mobile technology involved in the project.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)14-39
Number of pages26
JournalReview of International Geographical Education Online
Issue numberSpecialIssue1
StatePublished - 1 Mar 2020

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
This work was supported by the Ministery of Education of the Republic of Korea and the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF-2016S1A5A2A01022933).

Publisher Copyright:
© Review of International Geographical Education.


  • Fieldwork
  • Inquiry
  • Inquiry-based field work
  • Mobile technology
  • World heritage site


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