Convergence characteristics and computational cost of two algebraic kernels in vortex methods with a Tree-Code algorithm

D. Wee, Y. M. Marzouk, F. Schlegel, A. F. Ghoniem

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3 Scopus citations


We study the convergence characteristics of two algebraic kernels used in vortex calculations: the Rosenhead-Moore kernel, which is a low-order kernel, and the Winckelmans-Leonard kernel, which is a high-order kernel. To facilitate the study, a method of evaluating particle-cluster interactions is introduced for the Winckelmans-Leonard kernel. The method is based on Taylor series expansion in Cartesian coordinates, as initially proposed by Lindsay and Krasny [J. Com-put. Phys., 172 (2001), pp. 879-907] for the Rosenhead-Moore kernel. A recurrence relation for the Taylor coefficients of the Winckelmans-Leonard kernel is derived by separating the kernel into two parts, and an error estimate is obtained to ensure adaptive error control. The recurrence relation is incorporated into a tree-code to evaluate vorticity-induced velocity. Next, comparison of convergence is made while utilizing the tree-code. Both algebraic kernels lead to convergence, but the Winckelmans-Leonard kernel exhibits a superior convergence rate. The combined desingularization and discretization error from the Winckelmans-Leonard kernel is an order of magnitude smaller than that from the Rosenhead-Moore kernel at a typical resolution. Simulations of vortex rings are performed using the two algebraic kernels in order to compare their performance in a practical setting. In particular, numerical simulations of the side-by-side collision of two identical vortex rings suggest that the three-dimensional evolution of vorticity at finite resolution can be greatly affected by the choice of the kernel. We find that the Winckelmans-Leonard kernel is able to perform the same task with a much smaller number of vortex elements than the Rosenhead-Moore kernel, greatly reducing the overall computational cost.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2510-2527
Number of pages18
JournalSIAM Journal on Scientific Computing
Issue number4
StatePublished - 2009


  • Computational particle methods
  • Convergence
  • Hierarchical methods
  • Key words. numerical simulation
  • TV-body problems
  • Tree-code
  • Vortex methods


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