Control of carbon nanotube morphology by change of applied bias field during growth

L. H. Chen, J. F. AuBuchon, A. Gapin, C. Daraio, P. Bandaru, S. Jin, D. W. Kim, I. K. Yoo, C. M. Wang

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42 Scopus citations


Carbon nanotube morphology has been engineered via simple control of applied voltage during dc plasma chemical vapor deposition growth. Below a critical applied voltage, a nanotube configuration of vertically aligned tubes with a constant diameter is obtained. Above the critical voltage, a nanocone-type configuration is obtained. The strongly field-dependent transition in morphology is attributed primarily to the plasma etching and decrease in the size of nanotube-nucleating catalyst particles. A two-step control of applied voltage allows a creation of dual-structured nanotube morphology consisting of a broad base nanocone (∼200 nm dia.) with a small diameter nanotube (∼7 nm) vertically emanating from the apex of the nanocone, which may be useful for atomic force microscopy.

Original languageEnglish
Article number3
Pages (from-to)5373-5375
Number of pages3
JournalApplied Physics Letters
Issue number22
StatePublished - 29 Nov 2004

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
The authors acknowledge the support of the work by University of California Discovery Fund under Grant No. ele02-10133/Jin, NSF NIRTs under Grant Nos. DMI-0210559 and DMI-0303790, and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under Grant No. MI-04-006.


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