Constructing Global Order: Agency and Change in World Politics

Amitav Acharya

Research output: Book/ReportBookpeer-review

165 Scopus citations


For a long time, international relations scholars have adopted a narrow view of what is global order, who are its makers and managers, and what means they employ to realize their goals. Amitav Acharya argues that the nature and scope of agency in the global order – who creates it and how – needs to be redefined and broadened. Order is built not by material power alone, but also by ideas and norms. While the West designed the post-war order, the non-Western countries were not passive. They contested and redefined Western ideas and norms, and contributed new ones of their own making. This book examines such acts of agency, especially the redefinitions of sovereignty and security, shaping contemporary world politics. With the decline of the Western dominance, ideas and agency from the Rest may make it possible to imagine and build a truly global order.

Original languageEnglish
PublisherCambridge University Press
Number of pages216
ISBN (Electronic)9781316756768
ISBN (Print)9781107170711
StatePublished - 1 Jan 2018

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© Amitav Acharya 2018.


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