Complex symmetric Toeplitz operators on the generalized derivative Hardy space

Eungil Ko, Ji Eun Lee, Jongrak Lee

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The generalized derivative Hardy space Sα,β2(D) consists of all functions whose derivatives are in the Hardy and Bergman spaces as follows: for positive integers α, β, Sα,β2(D)={f∈H(D):∥f∥Sα,β22=∥f∥H22+α+βαβ∥f′∥A22+1αβ∥f′∥H22<∞}, where H(D) denotes the space of all functions analytic on the open unit disk D. In this paper, we study characterizations for Toeplitz operators to be complex symmetric on the generalized derivative Hardy space Sα,β2(D) with respect to some conjugations Cξ, Cμ,λ. Moreover, for any conjugation C, we consider the necessary and sufficient conditions for complex symmetric Toeplitz operators with the symbol φ of the form φ(z)=∑n=1∞φˆ(−n)‾z‾n+∑n=0∞φˆ(n)zn. Next, we also study complex symmetric Toeplitz operators with non-harmonic symbols on the generalized derivative Hardy space Sα,β2(D).

Original languageEnglish
Article number74
JournalJournal of Inequalities and Applications
Issue number1
StatePublished - 2022

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