Cationic site-preference in the Yb14-xCaxAlSb11 (4.81 ≤ x ≤ 10.57) series: Theoretical and experimental studies

Gnu Nam, Eunyoung Jang, Hongil Jo, Mi Kyung Han, Sung Jin Kim, Kang Min Ok, Tae Soo You

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14 Scopus citations


Four quaternary Zintl phases with mixed-cations in the Yb14-xCaxAlSb11 (4.81 ≤ x ≤ 10.57) series have been synthesized by using the arc-melting and the Sn metal-flux reaction methods, and the isotypic crystal structures of the title compounds have been characterized by both powder and single-crystal X-ray diffraction (PXRD and SXRD) analyses. The overall crystal structure adopting the Ca14AlSb11-type can be described as a pack of four different types of the spiral-shaped one-dimensional octahedra chains with various turning radii, each of which is formed by the distorted ((Yb/Ca)Sb6) octahedra. Four symmetrically-independent cationic sites contain mixed occupations of Yb2+ and Ca2+ with different mixing ratios and display a particular site preference by two cationic elements. Two hypothetical structural models of Yb4Ca10AlSb11 with different cationic arrangements were designed and exploited to study the details of site and bond energies. QVAL values provided the rationale for the observed site preference based on the electronegativity of each atom. Density of states (DOS) curves indicated a semiconducting property of the title compounds, and crystal orbital Hamilton population (COHP) plots explained individual chemical bonding between components. Thermal conductivity measurement was performed for Yb8.42(4)Ca5.58AlSb11, and the result was compared to compounds without mixed cations.

Original languageEnglish
Article number553
Issue number7
StatePublished - 2016


  • Electronic structure
  • Single-crystal X-ray diffraction
  • Site preference
  • Zintl phases
  • mixed cations


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