Bulk Cr tips for scanning tunneling microscopy and spin-polarized scanning tunneling microscopy

A. Li Bassi, C. S. Casari, D. Cattaneo, F. Donati, S. Foglio, M. Passoni, C. E. Bottani, P. Biagioni, A. Brambilla, M. Finazzi, F. Ciccacci, L. Duò

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

36 Scopus citations


A simple, reliable method for the preparation of bulk Cr tips for scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) is proposed and its potentialities in performing high-quality and high-resolution STM and spin-polarized STM (SP-STM) are investigated. Cr tips show atomic resolution on ordered surfaces. Contrary to what happens with conventional W tips, rest atoms of the Si (111) -7×7 reconstruction can be routinely observed, probably due to a different electronic structure of the tip apex. SP-STM measurements of the Cr(001) surface showing magnetic contrast are reported. Our results reveal that the peculiar properties of these tips can be suited in a number of STM experimental situations.

Original languageEnglish
Article number173120
JournalApplied Physics Letters
Issue number17
StatePublished - 2007


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