Bottom-up evolution of consolidated porous diamond layer by hot-filament-CVD

Jung Min Cho, Hak Joo Lee, Young Jin Ko, Heon Jin Choi, Young Joon Baik, Gyu Weon Hwang, Jong Keuk Park, Joon Young Kwak, Jaewook Kim, Jongkil Park, Yeon Joo Jeong, Inho Kim, Kyeong Seok Lee, Wook Seong Lee

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Scopus citations


Synthesis of the porous chemical vapor deposition (CVD) diamond layer, which might enable many noble applications, usually employed the template growth or post-processing, which accompanied the undesirable complexity and cost issues. In a small number of the porous diamond layer synthesis efforts, majority of them employed the plasma-assisted CVD (PA-CVD), while the hot-filament CVD (HF-CVD) was well known for its outstanding scalability and cost-effectiveness. Here we demonstrate a post-processing/template-free approach for the porous diamond layer synthesis by HF-CVD. Intriguingly, we found that the seeding the substrate by detonation nanodiamond (DND) and the relatively low substrate temperature were key enabling factors. The consolidated layer was consisted of quasi-spherical nanodiamond particles. Such observations suggested a precipitation-relevant growth mechanism, which we disproved here, and we clarified an alternative bottom-up growth mechanism. We also demonstrated a preliminary result of applying the porous diamond layer as a waveguide in the attenuated-total-reflection (ATR)-type waveguide mode resonance sensor.

Original languageEnglish
Article number102362
JournalSurfaces and Interfaces
StatePublished - Nov 2022

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2022 Elsevier B.V.


  • CVD diamond
  • Hot-filament CVD
  • Nucleation/growth mechanism
  • One-batch synthesis
  • Optical waveguide
  • Porous diamond layer


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