Bioremediation of oil-contaminated soil using rhizobacteria and plants

Ji Young Kim, Kyung Suk Cho

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

6 Scopus citations


Phytoremediation is an economical and environmentally friendly bioremediation technique using plants which can increase the microbial population in soil. Unlike other pollutants such as heavy metals, polychlorinated biphenyl, trichloroethylene, perchloroethylene and so on, petroleum hydrocarbons are relatively easily degradable by soil microbes. For successful phytoremediation of soil contaminated with petroleum hydrocarbons, it is important to select plants with high removal efficiency through microbial degradation. In this study, we clarified the roles of plants and rhizobacteria and identified their species effective on phytoremediation by reviewing the papers previously reported. Plants and rhizobacteria can degrade and remove the petroleum hydrocarbons directly and indirectly by stimulating each other's degradation activity. The preferred plant species are alfalfa, ryegrass, tall fescue, poplar, corn, etc. The microorganisms with a potential to degrade hydrocarbons mostly belong to Pseudomonas spp., Bacillus spp., and Alcaligenes spp. It has been reported that the elimination efficiency of hydrocarbons by soil microorganisms can be improved when plants were simultaneously applied. For more efficient restoration, it's necessary to understand the plant-rhizobacteria interaction and to select the suitable plant and microorganism species.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)185-195
Number of pages11
JournalKorean Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
Issue number3
StatePublished - Sep 2006


  • Petroleum hydrocarbon
  • Plant-assisted bioremediation
  • Rhizobacteria
  • Rhizodegradation
  • Soil pollution


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