Alterations in extracellular matrix components in transplant glomerulopathy

Hyeon Joo Jeong, Sun Hee Sung, Soon Won Hong, Jang Il Moon, Soon Il Kim, Yu Seun Kim, Kiil Park

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

3 Scopus citations


The distribution pattern of extracellular matrix (ECM) components in transplant glomerulopathy was studied in relation to light microscopic features, actin expression of mesangial cells, and intraglomerular inflammatory cells. Nine cases of mild (group I) and nine cases of severe (group II) transplant glomerulopathy were stained with antisera against fibronectin (FN), tenascin (TN), collagen types III and IV, smooth muscle actin, CD45RO, CD68, and Ki-67 antigen. The composition of ECM was similar in the two groups. The expanded mesangium was diffusely stained by type-IV collagen, FN and TN, and focally and weakly stained by type-III collagen and smooth muscle actin. Type-IV collagen was linearly stained along the capillary walls, imparting a double-contour feature, whereas FN and TN showed granular staining along the capillary walls. CD68 positive cells were increased in severe transplant glomerulopathy, but this increase was not related to ECM deposition. These findings suggest that increased glomerular deposition of normal and abnormal ECM components participate in the evolution of transplant glomerulopathy.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)69-73
Number of pages5
JournalVirchows Archiv
Issue number1
StatePublished - 2000


  • Actin
  • Extracellular matrix
  • Inflammatory cells
  • Transplant glomerulopathy


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