Abiotic effects on calling phenology of three frog species in Korea

Eunhwa Yoo, Yikweon Jang

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

36 Scopus citations


Calling behavior is often used to infer breeding patterns in anurans. We studied the seasonal and diel calling activities of anuran species in a wetland in central Korea to determine the calling season and to evaluate the effects of abiotic factors on male calling. Acoustic monitoring was used in which frog calls were recorded for a full day, once a week, throughout an entire year. Using acoustic monitoring, we identified three frog species in the study site. Males of Rana dybowskii called in late winter and early spring; we thus classified this species as a winter/spring caller. The results of binary logistic regression showed that temperature, relative humidity, and 1-day lag rainfall were significant factors for male calling in R. dybowskii. Temperature and relative humidity were important factors for the calling activity of R. nigromaculata, whereas 24-h rainfall and 1-day lag rainfall were not significant. Thus, we determined R. nigromaculata to be a summer caller independent of weather. In Hyla japonica, relative humidity, 24-h rainfall, and 1-day lag rainfall were significant for male calling, suggesting that this species is a summer caller dependent on local rain.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)260-267
Number of pages8
JournalAnimal Cells and Systems
Issue number3
StatePublished - Jun 2012

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
We thank the Maeng-san Nature School for granting permission to work in the study area. We are grateful to Seon-Ju Lee and Hwa-Kyung Hwang for recording and analyses. This study was supported financially by a research grant (PJ006788) of the National Academy of Agricultural Science to Yikweon Jang. Yikweon Jang was also supported by the Ewha Global Top 5 project.


  • Hyla japonica
  • Rana dybowskii
  • Rana nigromaculata
  • acoustic monitoring
  • calling season


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