팬데믹 상황에 따른 원격수업에 대한 지체중복장애 중고등학생 어머니의 어려움 및 지원요구 탐색

Translated title of the contribution: Exploring Mothers' Difficulties and Support Needs in Online Learning for Students with Severe and Multiple Disabilities during Pandemic Situation

Seohyeon Kim, Eunhye Park, Youngsun Lee

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Scopus citations


Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explore the learning experiences of students with severe and multiple disabilities, based on parents' perception and needs in online learning in the COVID-19 situation. Method: A total of six parents with children who are in secondary special schools, mainly with physical disabilities, participated in this study. Qualitative research was carried out based on a semi-structured interview guideline. Interviews were analyzed using the constant comparative method. Results: Four main and 12 sub themes were derived as a result of this study. The main themes are (a) online class as a new experience for everyone, (b) parents' struggles to support children with severe and multiple disabilities, (c) environmental factors that cause difficulties, and (d) ways for improved participation. Conclusion: Participation issues related to students' physical characteristics, lack of amount and quality of interaction, growing burden of childcare, advocating, education were the main points based on the experience of parents with children with severe and multiple disabilities participating in online classes. Considering this, enhancing quality, amount and variety of contactless classes, improving home learning environments with coaching programs, increasing the quality of face-to-face support were suggested as strategies to enhance students' participation.

Translated title of the contributionExploring Mothers' Difficulties and Support Needs in Online Learning for Students with Severe and Multiple Disabilities during Pandemic Situation
Original languageKorean
Pages (from-to)45-65
Number of pages21
JournalKorean Journal of Physical, Multiple and Health Disabilities
Issue number4
StatePublished - 2021

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2021 Seorim. All rights reserved.


  • COVID-19
  • distance learning
  • in-depth interview
  • parents
  • qualitative study


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