의사소통장애 상담 교육의 실태 및 필요성: 교육기관과 임상현장을 중심으로

Translated title of the contribution: A Study on the Current Status and Needs of Counseling Curriculum in Communication Disorders in Korea

Kyungrang Baik, Sunghee Lim, Haeun Chung, Ji Hye Cheon, Kyengok Mo, Eunju Lee, Young Tae Kim, Dongsun Yim, Jee Eun Sung, Hyun Sub Sim

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Objectives: Counseling is an essential component of the treatment of communication dis-orders. Clinicians and students in the field have reported a necessity for the incorporation of counseling courses into speech-language pathology practice. Thus, the purpose of this study was to examine the current status of a counseling curriculum in the field of commu-nication sciences and disorders, and to present the professors’ and speech-language patho-logists’(SLP) perceptions of the counseling curriculum. Methods: A web-based question-naire regarding the current status and need for the counseling curriculum was developed and distributed to professors in undergraduate and graduate programs and to SLPs in clin-ical settings. Responses from a total of 66 professors and 121 SLPs were collected and were used for the analysis. Results: Overall, 66.7% of undergraduate programs and 26.9% of graduate programs offer a counseling course within the department. Also, 100% and 85.1% of professors in undergraduate and graduate programs reported the need for counseling education and training in the field of communication disorders respectively. A strong ma-jority of SLPs (95.7%) also felt counseling courses are needed. By clinical areas, SLPs work-ing in language development disorders reported the highest need (25.4%) for counseling courses, followed by neurological disorders and fluency disorders. Conclusion: The results show that the need for counseling programs was high among professors and clinicians. Thus, the implementation of a systematic and adequate counseling curriculum in the field of communication disorders is suggested.

Translated title of the contributionA Study on the Current Status and Needs of Counseling Curriculum in Communication Disorders in Korea
Original languageKorean
Pages (from-to)975-992
Number of pages18
JournalCommunication Sciences and Disorders
Issue number4
StatePublished - 2021

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2021 Korean Academy of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology


  • Communication disorder counseling
  • Counseling curriculum
  • Counseling sta-tus
  • Survey research


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