Anders Lindroth
- Cornell University
- National Cancer Center
- National Cancer Center Korea
- German Cancer Research Center
- Cornell University College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
External person
Christoph Plass
- German Cancer Research Center
- National Cancer Center Korea
- German Centre for Cardiovascular Research
- Heidelberg University
- German Cancer Aid
External person
Dieter Weichenhan
- German Cancer Research Center
- Heidelberg University
- University of Latvia
- University of Oxford
- Wellcome Sanger Institute
External person
Jinyeong Lim
- National Cancer Center
- National Cancer Center Korea
- Ewha Womans University
- Sungkyunkwan University
External person
Ji Yun Hwang
- Sangmyung University
- Ewha Womans University
- Korea National Institute of Health
- Cornell University
External person
Paul D. Soloway
- Roswell Park Cancer Institute
- Cornell University
- Cornell University College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
External person
Annette M. Krais
- Division of Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry
- Lund University
- German Cancer Research Center
External person
Heinz H. Schmeiser
- Division of Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry
- German Cancer Research Center
External person
Han Ik Cho
- Korea Association of Health Promotion
- Korea Association of Health Promotion
- Seoul National University
- Ewha Womans University
- Korea Association of Health Promotion
- Korea Association of Health Promotion
External person
Doo Jae Lee
- Ewha Womans University
- Seoul National University
- Center for Cell Signaling and Drug Discovery Research
External person
Benjamin Hu
- Cornell University
- Cornell University College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
External person
Guido Reifenberger
- Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf
- German Cancer Research Center
- European Molecular Biology Laboratory
External person
Hye Ah Lee
- Ewha Womans University
- Sahmyook University
- Clinical Trial Center
- Department of Preventive Medicine
- Yonsei University
External person
Stefan M. Pfister
- German Cancer Research Center
- Heidelberg University
- Hopp Children’s Cancer Center (KiTZ)
External person
Umut H. Toprak
- German Cancer Research Center
- Heidelberg University
- University of New South Wales
External person
Ingrid Grummt
- Division of Molecular Biology of the Cell II
- Division of Molecular Biology of the Cell II, DKFZ-ZMBH Alliance
External person
Jonghee Kim
External person
Simon Haas
- Heidelberg Institute for Stem Cell Technology and Experimental Medicine
- German Cancer Research Center
External person
Angela Risch
- Member of the German Center for Lung Research (DZL)
- German Cancer Research Center
External person
John A. Shepherd
- University of California at San Francisco
- University of Hawai'i at Mānoa
External person
Dominik Vonficht
- Heidelberg Institute for Stem Cell Technology and Experimental Medicine
- German Cancer Research Center
- Heidelberg University
External person
James R. Putnam
- Cornell University
- Cornell University College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
External person
Yong Jae Kim
- Ewha Womans University
- The Catholic University of Korea
- University of Ulsan
External person
Herry Herman
- Padjadjaran University
- Cornell University
- Cornell University College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
External person
Massimo Squatrito
- Instituto de Salud Carlos III
- Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas
External person
Christof Niehrs
- Institute of Molecular Biology (IMB)
- Division of Molecular Embryology
- Division of Molecular Biology of the Cell II, DKFZ-ZMBH Alliance
External person
Ying Gao
- National Institutes of Health
- Cornell University College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
External person
Verónica Matía
- Instituto de Salud Carlos III
- Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas
External person
Florian Grünschläger
- Heidelberg Institute for Stem Cell Technology and Experimental Medicine
- German Cancer Research Center
- Heidelberg University
External person
Joo Young Lee
- Ewha Womans University
- Center for Cell Signaling and Drug Discovery Research
External person
Heewon Jung
- University of Ulsan
- Chung-Ang Graduate University
- Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
External person
Sangmi Lee
- Ewha Womans University
- Departments of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Medical Research Institute
External person
Soo Youl Kim
- National Cancer Center Korea
- National Cancer Center
- National Cancer Institute
- New Cancer Cure Bio Co.
External person
Michael Meister
- Member of the German Center for Lung Research (DZL)
- Heidelberg University
External person
Sun Cheol Hong
External person
Christoph Plass
- German Consortium for Translational Cancer Research (DKTK)
- German Cancer Research Center
External person
Dong Hoon Kang
- Ewha Womans University
- Center for Cell Signaling and Drug Discovery Research
- University of Ulsan
- Center for Cell Signaling and Drug Discovery Research
External person
Donghoon Choi
- Yonsei University
- Ewha Womans University
- Yonsei Cardiovascular Center
- Korea National Institute of Health
- Yonsei Cardiovascular Hospital
External person
Sung Rae Kim
- The Catholic University of Korea
- Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism
External person
Jae Young Yoo
- Ewha Womans University
- Rural Development Administration
- Department of Medical Research Institute
External person
Hendrik Dienemann
- Member of the German Center for Lung Research (DZL)
- Heidelberg University
External person
Yukyung Jun
- Ewha Womans University
- Jackson Laboratory
- Ewha-JAX Cancer Immunotherapy Research Center
- Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information
External person
Sangmee Ahn Jo
- Korea National Institute of Health
- Dankook University
- National Institutes of Health
- Korea University
External person
Hyeon Chang Kim
- Yonsei University
- Northwestern University
- National Health Insurance Service
External person
Oak Hee Yun
- Ewha Womans University
- Korea Institute of Radiological and Medical Sciences
External person