Hyun Jeong Lim
- Ewha Womans University
- Yale University
- Center of SEBIS (Strategic Solutions for Environmental Blindspots in the Interests of Society)
- Center of SEBIS (Strategic Solutions for Environmental Blindspots in the Interest of Society)
External person
Chang Min Park
- Kyungpook National University
- University of South Carolina
- United States Environmental Protection Agency
External person
Namguk Her
- Korea Army Academy at Young-Cheon
- Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology
- Korea Army Academy at Youngcheon
- Korea Army Academy
- Korea Army Academy at Youngcheon
- University of Colorado Boulder
- Yongsan Project Office
- Korea Army Academy
- Ministry of National Defense
- University of Colorado
External person
Eun Hee Lee
- Ewha Womans University
- NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
- Korea Meteorological Administration
External person
Seong Nam Nam
- Korea Army Academy at Young-Cheon
- University of South Carolina
- Korea Army Acamemy at Yeong-Cheon
- Ewha Womans University
- Korea Army Academy
External person
Jiyong Heo
- University of South Carolina
- Korea Army Academy at Young-Cheon
- Korea Army Academy at Youngcheon
- Korea Army Academy at Youngcheon
- Korea Army Academy
- Korea Army Academy
External person
Byung Moon Jun
- University of South Carolina
- Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
- Kyung Hee University
External person
Jeongeun Lee
- Ewha Womans University
- Center of SEBIS (Strategic Solutions for Environmental Blindspots in the Interests of Society)
External person
Hyerin Song
- Ewha Womans University
- Center of SEBIS (Strategic Solutions for Environmental Blindspots in the Interests of Society)
External person
Jonghun Han
- Korea Army Academy at Young-Cheon
- Korea Army Academy
- Korea Army Academy at Youngcheon
- Korea Army Academy
External person
Yasir A.J. Al-Hamadani
- Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
- University of South Carolina
External person
Linkel K. Boateng
- University of South Carolina
- Clemson University
- Clemson University College of Engineering, Computing and Applied Sciences
External person
Sewoon Kim
- University of South Carolina
- University of South Carolina
- University of Iowa
- University of Iowa
External person
Byung J. Kim
- U.S. Army Engineering Research and Development Center
- US Army Engineering Research and Development Center
External person
Shane Snyder
- University of Arizona
- Nanyang Technological University
- Southern Nevada Water Authority
- University of Nevada, Las Vegas
- Thiel College
- Michigan State University
- Harvard University
- Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, University of Arizona
External person
Yong Gyun Park
- GS E and C Research Institute
- GS E and C Research Institute
- GS E and C Research Institute
- GS E and C
- University of South Carolina
- Chonnam National University
External person
Jong Kwon Im
- National Institute of Environmental Research
- University of South Carolina
- Seoul National University
External person
Jaeweon Cho
- Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology
- Yonsei University
- University of Colorado Boulder
- Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology
- University of Colorado
External person
Eunhee Lee
- Ewha Womans University
- NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
- Korea Meteorological Administration
External person
Byung Yong Kim
- Seoul National University
- ChunLab, Inc.
- National Academy of Agricultural Science
External person
Gooyong Lee
- University of South Carolina
- University of Malaya
- Green Technology Center
- Chungnam State University
- Water Quality Research Center
External person
Juyeon Lee
- Center of SEBIS (Strategic Solutions for Environmental Blindspots in the Interests of Society)
- Ewha Womans University
External person
Miao Yu
- Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
- SUNY Buffalo
- University of South Carolina
- University at Buffalo
External person
Do Hyung Kim
- Korea Environmental Industry & Technology Institute
- Korea Environmental Industry and Technology Institute
- Korea Environmental Industry & Technology Institute
- Korea Army Academy at Young-Cheon
External person
Moonil Kim
- Tuskegee University
- Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology
External person
Eunhye Lee
- Center of SEBIS (Strategic Solutions for Environmental Blindspots in the Interests of Society)
- Ewha Womans University
External person